The new funding formula changes the way that all child care funding flows from the province to local CMSMs and DSSABs to deliver child care in our communities.
It simplifies the way funding is delivers and means that there are far fewer strings attached now.
Mitigation over the next three years means that no municipality will receive less funding right now, and therefore, we should not be seeing cuts to services.
So our job is to make sure:
- Every child care dollar stays in child care
- No child care centre receives any less in operating grants
- That parent fees do not go up any more and salaries do not go down
- And finally that there is always full public consultation before any changes are made
What changes:
Wage subsidy and wage enhancement are rolled into the general operating category.
There are no longer dedicated line items or allocations for wage subsidy or wage enhancement. Those two categories have been integrated into the new Core Services category.
The main categories for provincial child care funding are now:
- Core Service (718.4 million)
- Special Purpose (small subsidies for aboriginal, rural, French) ($30 million)
- Minor capital (8.8 million)
Total provincial child care funding is $922.1 million (does not include approximately $148 million in municipal cost-sharing).
See the coalition's resource sheet on Working with your CMSM or DSSAB to protect & enhance child care services in your community