Currently, activities leading up to choosing new premiers are underway in Ontario and British Columbia. The processes and timelines are quite different: A provincial election is scheduled for May 14 in BC, while Ontario's premiership will be determined as the party in power, the Liberals, choose a new leader in a leadership scheduled for January 25 - 27.
For those interested in child care, the question --whether asked of party leaders in a provincial election or of candidates in a ruling party leadership contest is the same: What is your position, or platform, on child care? - As premier, what would you do to improve child care in your province?
In British Columbia - First Call, a coalition of child and youth advocates, has begun meeting with party leaders to quiz them on their positiions on child care and other children's issues
What would BC's parties do for kids?, The Tyee, 15 Jan 13
Minutes from the Dec 12th meeting with Green Party Leader Jane Sterk, First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition (Link is no longer available)
Vaughn Palmer: Dreams of universal child care under NDP collide with party's plan for fiscal restraint, Vancouver Sun, 12 dec 12
In Ontario - Of the six Liberal leadership candidates' campaign websites, Kathleen Wynne's website, under the heading How we Learn, commits to: "building a comprehensive early learning and care system, including succesful extension of full day kindergarten and child care". (Note that Glen Murray, who has left the race, also acknowledged child care, though as a tax credit, not system-building). None of the other candidates addresses early childhood education and care; however, there is still time for others to take a public position on child care before the leadership election.
Letter to Liberal leadership candidates: What's your vision for child care in Ontario, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, 22 Nov 13 (Link is no longer available)
Liberal candidate websites:
Sandra Pupatello (Website is no longer available)
Gerard Kennedy (Website is no longer available)
Charles Sousa (Website is no longer available)
Harinder Takhar (Website is no longer available)