This joint position statement by Early Childhood Australia (ECA) and Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) sets out our shared commitment to inclusion in early childhood education and care (ECEC).
Its purpose is to create a vision for high quality inclusive practices in early childhood education and care. It will assist everyone in ECEC services, as well as support professionals, to fully include children with a disability and to achieve high quality outcomes for all children. It will also provide a framework for the development and implementation of policy and programs designed
for all young children. The inclusive practices promoted by the position statement are characterised by the strong collaborative partnerships between children, families, early childhood educators and support professionals that are widely recognised as a cornerstone of high quality inclusive practice in ECEC programs.
The position statement reflects the broad evidence base and the collective values and wisdom of our organisations on the inclusion of children with a disability, and was informed by input from consultations with members of both organisations. It is part of broader policy work by both organisations. For ECA this work will focus on inclusion for all children in ECEC settings and for
ECIA the work will focus on the inclusion of children with a disability in all aspects of community life.