"According to new research from the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council, Ontario child care fees are the highest in Canada."
On Friday March 22nd, the OCBCC presented to the Standing Committee on Finance. "In Ontario, early learning and child care programs have faced chronic underfunding and new financial pressures from the implementation of Ontario's full-day kindergarten programs."
The OCBCC presented "[The] funding formula calls for huge cuts to child care funding for 18 communities in 2017. Cuts to child care funding are completely unacceptable. Many of these communities are among the most economically hard hit areas of Ontario - communities that can't afford to lose child care funding."
"We demand that the cuts to child care for 18 affected communities be taken off the table. A fair funding formula for child care must not take from one community to give to another."
"Along with adequate and stable funding, early learning and child care programs want to build a system that will really help Ontario's families and Ontario's economy. We believe that the government must build a system that only provides licenses to not-for-profit, public and aboriginal operators."
"The same national research showed that Ontario was the only province where the wages for child care staff have actually gone down, not up. In Ontario from 1998 to 2012, wages for child care program staff dropped by 2.7%."