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Call for contributions: Special issue on professionalism in the Canadian early childhood education and care sector, for Canadian Children, 2014 online edition

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Langford, Rachel
Publication Date: 
15 May 2013


We invite submission of papers that focus on the state of professionalism in the Canadian early childhood education and care sector. Only recently through the research efforts of the Canadian Child Care Human Resources Sector Council have we learned more about the early cildhood education and care sector (ECEC) in Canada. In provinces and territories, the sector has experienced varying degrees of professionalization through initiatives advanced by the sector and governments such as a regulatory college, early learning curriculum frameworks, higher educational qualifications, and increasing accountability measures. At the same time, ECEC professionals have sought to define their own sense of professionalism built from daily practice and/or their participation in professional associations.

We welcome conceptual or research based papers that critically examine current and alternative understandings of professionalism and their implications for what it means to be a professional, for practice, for professional preparation, for on-going professional learning, and for policy making. The aim of the special issue is to open up a lively dialogue about the ECEC profession in Canada that  broadens and deepens our understandings of professionalism. Early childhood educators,  researchers, curriculum developers and policy makers are invited to submit an abstract for this issue of Canadian Children to Rachel Langford by September 30, 2013. If the abstract is accepted, the  manuscript is due by January 30, 2014. Once the review process has been completed, accepted  papers must be resubmitted by April 2014. Articles must then be finalized and submitted to the  Canadian Children editors by November 1, 2014.


Contact Information:
For further information or inquiries, please contact the special issue guest editor directly:
Rachel Langford
