Excerpts from summary:
The benefits of proper nutrition on students' health and the impact it has on their abilities to learn and participate in school have been well-established in research and accepted by service providers in Toronto. With the implementation of Full-Day Kindergarten (FDK), four and five year olds enrolling in FDK at school no longer receive a lunch as they did when they were in licensed child care. While there are a number of programs offering nutrition services to young children, there is no comprehensive and coordinated approach to ensure that children in FDK programs receive the necessary nutrition to support positive early learning outcomes for young children. Specifically, there are very limited opportunities for children to receive a hot lunch during the school day.
This report suggests actions for better addressing the nutritional needs of all children in FDK. These include continuing the strategy of expanding Student Nutrition Programs and advocating for clear policy direction from the Province that is informed by government and community partners in the health, early learning and education sectors.