Statistics on income, spending, and wealth, which shed light on the financial well-being of Canadian individuals, families, and households. Includes statistics on the distribution of income among families and individuals, including means and medians of total income before tax, total income after tax, and disposable income.
Also includes details by income source: earnings, government transfer payments, and pension and investment income. Low-income measures and measures of inequality are available, along with studies on intergenerational inequality. Includes information on how Canadian households spend their money and the extent to which they save. Selected statistics on how much tax they pay are also included. Information on the wealth (net worth) of families is available, including statistics on the nature and distribution of Canadians' assets and debts. Information on pension plans and their characteristics is also available.
Related news articles:
Wealthy Canadians mostly white, male and married, CBC News, 11 Sep 13
National Household Survey finds top 1 per cent earn 7 times Canadian median, Globe and Mail, 11 Sep 13
National Household Survey provides blurred look at housing, Behind the Numbers (CCPA), 12 Sep 13