The Globe and Mail's major multi-part series on child care in Canada includes six major articles, a number of supplementary articles and commentaries and an online poll asking "Based on your experience, are you happy with the availability and cost of daycare in Canada?"
October 19
Erin Anderssen and Kim Mackrel: Better daycare for $7/day: One province's solution for Canada
October 21
Erin Anderssen: The case for publicly funded child care in Canada
Erin Anderssen: The evolution in public policy surrounding child care
Marina Adshade: We want children, but can't afford daycare
October 22
Erin Anderssen and Tralee Pearce: The procreative class: How cities can help on the child-care front
Rob Carrick: Carrick on money: The crazy cost of daycare
October 23
Erin Anderssen: Desperate parents forced into 'grey market' of unlicensed daycare
Erin Anderssen: Ottawa child's drowning death illustrates the risks of unregulated child care
October 24
Erin Anderssen: What the world can teach Canada about building better daycare
Rob Carrick: The real parent trap: daycare costs
Kevin Milligan: How to ensure child care investments pay off
October 25
Erin Anderssen: What PEI and Quebec can teach the rest of Canada about improving child care
Erin Anderssen: Preschool is more than babysitting - it's education
Craig Alexander: To lower inequality, boost spending on early childhood education
October 26
Globe editorial: We don't all need to imitate Quebec on daycare