Early childhood education and care section starts on pg 21 of the PDF.
Quick facts about early education and care in 2014:
- 62% of elementary schools offer extended day programs (before- and after-school) for children in kindergarten, and 34% offer the program year round.
- The average FDK class has 24 children; 8% of classes have 30 or more children.
- 77% of elementary schools with high family incomes offer extended day program for kindergarten-age children, compared to 52% of schools with low family incomes
Conclusions on early education and care from the report:
More research is needed to understand the long-term effect of the FDK program on children's social and academic outcomes. It is also vital to evaluate the impact of the quality of the program on students' success, including indicators such as overcrowding, supports for students with special education needs, and professional development for the teacher-early childhood educator teams. At the same time, we cannot lose sight of the importance of an effective overall early childhood strategy, including extended day programmping that supports student's development and parents' work lives.