The aim of this ‘handbook of ideas' is to advance political debate by bringing together short policy recommendations and proposals by leading international thinkers on how progressives should approach the major economic and political challenges of our times.
Chapters that address women's labour force participation and child care:
Investing in female labour, by Moira Nelson
With working women making up a larger and larger proportion of the electorate, they and other like-minded voters stand to reward governments that address tensions in balancing work and family needs.
The motherhood penalty, by Dalia Ben-Galim
There is virtually no gender pay gap until the point at which women become mothers. But then a motherhood penalty takes hold where many women find themselves on a downward career trajectory often characterised by low-paid jobs with few opportunities for progression.
Women and labour market risk, by Silja Häusermann
The processes of deindustrialisation, tertiarisation and labour market deregulation have led to a massive increase of the share of atypical employment - notably temporary and involuntary part-time employment - and unemployment in all countries of Western Europe.
Social democracy and the unfinished gender revolution, by Michael McTernan
The leftward drift of the female vote is not a guaranteed win for social democracy. But if policy is targeted effectively, long term political, economic and social benefits are likely to follow.