In advance of the ChildCare2020 conference, CRRU is featuring selected works by conference speakers. This week: Professor Bronwen Cohen.
- Cohen, B. (2013). Developing ECEC services in regionalised administrations: Scotland's Post-devolution experience. International Journal of Early Childhood, 45(2), pp 207-220. Available by subscription only, or check your local/university library access.
Abstract: Devolution within the United Kingdom (UK) forms part of increased regionalisation in the European Union (EU). The post-devolution history of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Scotland illustrates problems arising from split responsibilities and nation-state policies that fail to take adequate account of devolved administrations. UK-led programmes and demand subsidies separated childcare policies from Scotland-led education services making it more difficult to build on Scottish models and experience. As a result, ECEC development has been less radical than some other Scottish policy areas, and less extensive than in England. The current Scottish government sees its vision of a Nordic-style universal ECEC system as only achievable through independence. It is suggested here that Scottish ECEC developments might have benefited from Scotland having more funding and policy levers, or from UK policies making greater allowances for divergent approaches to welfare policy. The article raises the possibility that a strong, common EU framework could assist in developing coherence across regionalised administrations.
- Cohen, B. (16 Aug 2014). What future for childcare beyond the referendum? Future of the UK and Scotland blog,
- Cohen, B., Rønning,W (Forthcoming, 2014). ‘Education in Norway and Scotland: Developing and Re-forming the systems'. In Bryden, J. Riddoch,L. and Brox,O. Northern Neighbours. Norway and Scotland since the Middle Ages. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Cohen, B. Rønning,W. (2014). ‘Place-based learning in early years services: approaches and examples from Norway and Scotland'. In Miller.L. and Cameron, C. International perspectives in the early years :themes and issues. London: Sage.
- Cohen, B. (2013). ‘Can independence improve services for Scotland's children?' Scotland's Referendum: Informing the Debate University of Edinburgh.
- Cohen, Bronwen & Pay, Nicola (2011). Inspiring change: An early education and care study visit to Sweden and Poland. Children in Scotland & King Baudoin Foundation.
- Cohen, Bronwen (2003). Re-forming education and care in England, Scotland and Sweden. UNESCO Policy Brief on Early Childhood No. 12. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.