Vol 29, Number 1, Spring 2015
An economic no-brainer
Jim Stanford
"Supporting accessible public child care is thus not solely a matter of attempting to build a more caring, inclusive society (although those effects of public ECE are undeniable, too). Even more compelling, it is a matter of hard-headed economic rationalism"
Documenting life: Connecting children, parents and educators in an online community with a child care documentation tool - storypark
Lisa Lalonde
"Our parents have been enthusiastic expressing how connected and engaged they feel in their children's learning and to the curriculum since we started using Storypark."
Stories from a forest kindergarten: Planting seeds for our time
Isabel Diaz and Pierre Blin
"Our responsibility is to keep them safe, all the while teaching them to assess risk and make choices. We see ourselves as mentors to increase their awareness and creativity and we do so through the art of questioning."
How holistic education and its philosophy promotes transformative literacy
Mary Luise DiVito
"The purpose of this article is to investigate how holistic education promotes transformative literacy."
In Focus:
Who to watch in early childhood education and care: Who are our next generation of emerging leaders in early childhood education and care in Canada?
Claire McLaughlin
"As an early childhood educator, I can help kids like me-those who suffered from learning disabilities, bullying, low selfesteem. As a public advocate and speaker, I contribute on a larger level." - Emily Wright
"ECEBC leadership alumni are building connections, working with peers, community members and past leadership alumni and funders."
"I believe all children should be included in our program and will do whatever it takes to make that happen." - Sheila Pelletier
"I never stop encouraging anyone that will listen, to learn to advocate for what they love or believe in. I believe in an affordable, accessible, high quality child care system. I believe that child care is a fundamental human right and that all children regardless of the situations they are born into deserve the best start to life" - Viktoria Bitto
"Focusing on issues as a critical learning community through a process of shared experience - of both seasoned members alongside of young innovative thinkers - has enabled the Alberta Leaders Caucus to nurture evolving leadership as a strategic approach."