In December 2015, Canadians learned that two nannies had been hired as part of the Prime Minister’s publicly-funded household to help care for his three children aged 8, 6 and 2. The media storm that ensued ranged from negative commentary calling for the PM to cover his child care costs himself and Opposition accusations of “hypocrisy” to gender analysis, discussion of the need for national child care for other Canadians too and comment on the undervaluing of child care givers. This collection of news and commentary presents opinion from both sides of this story.
Selected news and opinion articles
Nannygate: Time for a grown up conversation
Behind the Numbers, 7 Dec 2015
A silly fuss over PM's nannies, a serious issue for families
Globe and Mail, 4 Dec 2015
The Trudeau "nannygate" controversy is just plain childish
Chatelaine, 1 Dec 2015
Opinion: Nannygate a controversy only because Canada undervalues caregivers
Edmonton Journal, 4 Dec 2015
Because it's (only) 2015: Trudeau's childcare still considered his wife's job
Globe and Mail, 3 Dec 2015
How the ‘Nannygate' outrage missed the point
Maclean's, 3 Dec 2015
So the PM's kids are getting safe, publicly funded care. What's he going to do for the rest of us?
Globe and Mail, 2 Dec 2015
Nannygate, suite et fin?
La Presse, 4 Dec 2015
Forget Trudeau's Nannygate, the real scandal is wealth inequality
Metro News, 1 Dec 2015
Opinion: Nannygate, so called, is not a scandal for Trudeau
The Record, 7 Dec 2015
Selected letters to the editor and satire
Nannygate: real or nonsense?
Toronto Star, 7 Dec 2015
Selected letters to the editor: Nanny-gate?
Globe and Mail, 3 Dec 2015
Amid backlash, Trudeau children to be raised by wolves
The Syrup Trap, 4 Dec 2015