The 2016 Manitoba election campaign began after more drama than any in the past two decades. A focus on trust, leadership, and the PST supported voters’ desire for change, and resulted in the landslide election of Brain Pallister’s Progressive Conservatives after nearly seventeen years of NDP government.
Understanding the Manitoba Election 2016 offers an early analysis of the campaign and insights into the decision that Manitoba voters made on April 19.
A team of twenty-seven experts—academics, policy analysts, and journalists—followed the campaign and contribute not just to a post-election review, but also to the major discussions that will permeate provincial life over the next four years.
Whether it’s regarding the political parties, social, economic, and cultural organizations, public institutions, or key policy areas, these essays—available as an open-access e-book two weeks after the election—contribute to a strengthened understanding of our province.
See Chapter 15: Child care and the Manitoba election (pg. 35) written by Susan Prentice for a more topical analysis of child care in the 2016 Manitoba election.