Statistics Canada will be releasing data from the 2-16 Census based on the below schedule. The 2nd round of data, released on May 3 2017, is concerned with age, sex, and dwelling type. There are currently a number of Census data tools that enable users to access data snapshots and generate portraits of your community. In addition, other Census data rounds will be released according to the list of dates below.
Census Profile
Profiles present information for various population characteristics at different levels of geography.
This tool is an interactive map application that facilitates the discovery of basic demographic data at various levels of geography.
Focus on Geography Series
This series provides a simple way to find census data on your municipality. It provides data highlights on your selected geographic area through text, tables and figures. A map image of the geographic area is also included.
2016 Census of Population results release dates:
- August 2, 2017 – Families, households, marital status and language
- September 13, 2017 – Income
- October 25, 2017 – Immigration, ethnocultural diversity, housing and Aboriginal peoples
- November 29, 2017 – Education, labour, journey to work, language of work, mobility and migration