The Early Childhood (EC) Workforce keeps Ontario moving because everyone depends on someone who depends on early years and child care programs. The work of an Early Childhood Educator is socially important and valuable work. We care for and educate Ontario’s youngest during a critical time of their development. We support families, we strengthen communities and, let’s not forget, the economy relies on parents participation in the workforce - imagine a day without ECEs and early years staff. ECEs do all of this and more: we support and promote the inclusion of children with disabilities, we encourage social cohesion by celebrating the diversity of the children and families that we care for, and we provide equitable opportunities for all children. ECEs are often the first support for New Canadian families and Indigenous and non- Indigenous ECEs support children, families and communities by providing culturally safe and nurturing programs. ECEs and early years staff are creative, knowledgeable and innovative professionals. Guided by How Does Learning Happen?, ECEs collaborate with other practitioners to create engaging environments and experiences that foster children’s learning and development. For almost 10 years ECEs have been regulated by the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE), which protects our professional title, holds us accountable to a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and ensures the safety and well-being of children.
It is well past time for Ontario’s Early Childhood Workforce to experience the professional pay and recognition that they deserve. Join our Professional Pay & Decent Work campaign - our voices are stronger together.
-reprinted from the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario