Leading up to the 2018 provincial election, the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care has released a campaign toolkit with information and shareables designed to inform voters about the need for a government that will make universal, affordable, high-quality, accessible child care a reality for the families in Ontario!
Please get involved in our Universal Child Care IS Possible campaign! We need a government that will make universal, affordable, high-quality, accessible child care a reality for the families in Ontario!
Please get involved in our Universal Child Care IS Possible campaign! We need a government that will make universal, affordable, high-quality, accessible child care a reality for the families in Ontario!
Check out our toolkit items below and use whichever ones you need. You will find-
• our press release, fact sheet as well as key messages and Q & A to use when speaking with candidates, friends or family about child care,
• our 3 Big Ideas, 3 Bonnes Idees to transform child care poster that you can post at your workplace or school and,
• our Universal Child Care IS Possible video in French and English,
• a window sign to place in a window to let others know that child care is a priority.
We can all be part of the transformation of the child care system if we use our voices and take action now. Please help us make affordable, high-quality care a reality for families and decent work with professional pay a reality for Early Childhood Educators and child care workers. Most importantly this election season is to be an informed voter.
We can use social media to get our message out too! Please follow us on FaceBook and Twitter and use our frame on FaceBook for your profile picture. To add a frame to your profile picture on Facebook-
1. Go to www.facebook.com/profilepicframes
2. Select a frame from the menu or search for the frame you want to use - Universal Child Care IS Possible/ECE Power
3. Click use as profile picture to save
Here are some great hashtags - #universalchildcareISpossible; #votechildcare; #ChildCareNow; #ECEPower; #ONPoli; #decentwork