Guidance and plans for students to start the 2020-21 school year.
Government of Alberta
government document
Publication Date:
21 Jul 2020
Students across Alberta will return to classrooms for the 2020/21 school year under scenario 1: In-class learning with enhanced health and safety measures.
School health measures
The school re-entry plan (2020-21 school year) allows schools and parents to prepare for learning while putting student and staff safety first.
The plan offers guidance on a wide range of operational issues including:
- hygiene and health requirements
- student learning
- transportation
- diploma exams
- mental health and psychological supports for students and staff
Schools should consider the following health measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Physical distancing and grouping
- Practice physical distancing when possible.
- Emphasize other hygiene practices in classrooms, buses and during activities when physical distancing may not be possible.
- Reorganize rooms to allow for more physical space.
- Create cohorts of students by class where possible.
- Guide foot traffic flow through entrances and hallways by using markers on the floor or pylons/barriers.
- Avoid large gatherings like assemblies.
- Staff and students under scenario 1 are not currently mandated to wear masks, but may choose to wear one.
- Consider wearing masks when there is prolonged close contact (greater than 15 minutes) and distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained.