Excerpted from survey introduction
The following survey was created by the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC) to better understand how Covid-19 is impacting the ELCC sector and to inform our advocacy to the Ontario and Federal governments on behalf of the ELCC sector.
The AECEO is the professional association for ECEs and its primary purpose is to advocate for respect, recognition and appropriate wages and working conditions for all ECEs. The OCBCC is Ontario’s central advocacy group for a universal, affordable, high quality, public and non-profit system of early childhood education and care.
Completing this survey is voluntary. The AECEO and OCBCC will maintain the confidentiality of all participants, any identifying information will be removed, results will be shared only in the aggregate, and pseudonyms will be used when sharing quotes. Should you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please direct them to: info@aeceo.ca.
The survey will take you approximately 10 minutes, and your answers can only be submitted once. Survey responses will be accepted until February 23, 2021.