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Job demands and work–family conflict in preschool teachers: The buffering effects of job resources and off-job recovery experiences

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Gu, Y. & Wang, R.
Publication Date: 
9 Jul 2021

Excerpt from Abstract

Drawing on the job demands-resources model and effort-recovery model, this two-wave study among preschool teachers explored whether job demands (i.e., workload and surface acting) increase work–family conflict over time. The authors further predicted that job resources (i.e., supervisor support and the perceived meaning of work) as well as recovery experiences during after-work hours (i.e., psychological detachment and relaxation) act as buffers and mitigate the detrimental effects of job demands on work–family conflict. This study was conducted among 337 preschool teachers in Chinese societies over the period of 1 year. In line with these hypotheses, results indicated that job demands (i.e., workload and surface acting) significantly increase work– family conflict over time and, more importantly, job resources and recovery experiences during after-work hours protect against increased work–family conflict over time despite high job demands. These findings contribute to work–family research and show how the detrimental impacts of job demands on the family domain can be prevented through enhancing job resources and fostering well-functioning recovery experiences during after-work hours.
