Excerpts from key messages
This data collection provides an update on the status of ELC delivery in January 2022.
• Data returned by local authorities indicates that 111,574 children were accessing funded ELC as of the end of January 2022.
• Of these, 97% were accessing more than 600 hours, and 88% were accessing the full 1140 hours funded ELC.
• Every council reported an increase between 6% and 26% in numbers of 2-5-year-olds accessing funded ELC compared to August 2021.
• There has been an increase of 16% in the numbers of eligible 2s accessing funded ELC, rising from 5,966 children in August 2021 to 6,913 in January 2022.
• There has been an increase in the local authority ELC workforce of 549 FTE rising from 17,515 FTE in August 2021 to 18,064 FTE in January 2022.
• Further workforce increases are expected, with a further 593 FTE expected to be in place in April 2022.
• Funded providers in the private and voluntary sectors and childminders provide 31% of all funded provision.
• As of February 2022, there were 913 projects in the capital programme, 85% of which are now complete.