In Manitoba, responsibility for the ELCC system was previously under the authority of the Department of Families. In January 2022, responsibility for ELCC was moved to fall within the Department of Education, which was then renamed Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning. Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning holds the legislated authority under The Community Child Care Standards Act and its regulations to deliver safe, affordable, accessible, high quality and inclusive child care services throughout Manitoba.
Canada-Manitoba Canada-wide ELCC action plan 2023 to 2024 to 2025 to 2026
It is estimated that Manitoba will receive $860,730,533 under the Canada-wide ELCC Agreement to support the creation of a Canada-wide ELCC system over the next 3 years, including $241,512,589 in Fiscal year 2023 to 2024. This investment includes a fixed base amount of $2 million per year, with the balance of the funding allocated based on Manitoba’s share of the national population of children aged 0 to 12 years.
Under the Canada-wide ELCC Agreement, Manitoba made a commitment to decrease parent fees to meet an average of $10 per day by March 31, 2026. On March 3, 2023, a joint announcement was held between the Manitoba government and the Government of Canada, that beginning April 2, 2023, Manitoba would meet that commitment a full 3 years ahead of schedule.
At the beginning of the Canada-wide ELCC Agreement, Manitoba committed to the creation of 23,000 new child care spaces by March 31, 2026. Since the signing of the Canada-wide ELCC Agreement in August 2021, we have committed funding for the creation of 4,340 spaces, of which, 1,409 have opened to date. Manitoba remains committed to meeting its target for additional child care spaces, prioritizing higher-need communities where access to child care is limited, including the development of 222 child care spaces in 3 First Nation communities.
Well-educated, well-trained, and well-compensated professionals are essential to establishing a high quality and robust ELCC system across Canada and within Manitoba. In Manitoba, the ELCC workforce consists of CCAs and ECEs.
Manitoba is committed to continuing efforts to build an early learning and child care system that is inclusive and ensures that vulnerable communities, including children with disabilities and children needing enhanced or individual supports, Indigenous children, Black and other racialized children, children of newcomers, and official language minorities, have equitable access to high quality early learning and child care environments.
To support the development of an inclusive Canada-wide early learning and child care system that fosters a safe and culturally relevant environment for Indigenous children, Manitoba will continue to engage with Indigenous governing bodies on opportunities for joint planning and prioritization under our agreements.
Administrative funding will be allocated to carry out the commitments identified in the action plan and may be used for: additional staff, equipment, information technology (IT) platforms, the Minister’s Consultation Table, communications, consultations and general administration.