This second report builds on the work to date and takes a deeper dive into the recommendation on workforce development. The report outlines elements of workforce development that can be implemented now and within the structure of the bilateral agreements between individual provinces/territories and the federal government. It looks at what can be done to improve workforce recruitment, retention, recognition, training and retraining with an eye toward building capacity within the sector. There are structural elements of the existing child care system across Canada that form a barrier to workforce expansion and much research exists on each of them, including funding models, public, non-profit, and private care and worker representation with the sector. These require careful consideration but are beyond the scope of this paper. Accompanying this paper, we released a series of provincial, territorial, and Indigenous snapshots on workforce development representing each region. Through interviews and a roundtable discussion hosted on March 24, 2022, the report was informed by experts, advocates and practitioners.
While this report is informed by a snapshot written on the general perspective of Indigenous child care, it is clear from our consultations, and consultations beyond this report, that any movement on improving the Indigenous child care sector and workforce must be done with Indigenous Peoples. We urge all orders of government to engage meaningfully together in this dialogue.