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Review of inclusive education practices in early learning and child care settings in the NWT - What we heard

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Government of Northwest Territories
Publication Date: 
1 Jul 2024

Executive summary

Malatest was hired to conduct a third party review of current inclusion-related practices and supports available within licensed early learning and child care (ELCC) programs on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT). The results of this review will inform the development of a renewed approach to inclusion to promote equitable access to child care. The following research questions guided the research and data collection for this review:

  • What is the current level of knowledge about inclusion practices among NWT early childhood educators? 
  • To what degree do NWT early childhood educators have access to professional development related to inclusion practices in ELCC?
  • What are the common general inclusion approaches and/or individualized educational practices currently being used to support inclusive child care within NWT ELCC programs?
  • What supports are available – at the community, regional and/or Territorial levels – that promote inclusive child care in ELCC programming across the NWT?
  • What access do NWT ELCC programs have to specialists and consultation supports, to include children that require enhanced or individual supports?

Throughout the review, inclusion was defined as the practice of involving children with disabilities and/or those requiring enhanced or individual supports in the same early learning environment or setting as their peers, using specialized approaches and supports for them to be successful.