Understanding early childhood, acting for the future: The contribution of longitudinal studies

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Contact name: 
Marie-Josée Allie
Contact phone: 
(514) 864-1600 ext. 3300

Problems of child development and social adaptation have now become
a priority in both the public health and education sectors, and are also a
concern for public policy in terms of social costs. Despite their significance,
the magnitude and dynamics of these problems are not well known. This
symposium aims to shed light on the factors that influence the development
and social adaptation of pre-school children. Using the results of
longitudinal studies from Quebec and elsewhere, in particular the Québec
Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD 1998-2011) conducted
by the Institut de la Statistique du Québec, we will illustrate the evolution
of certain developmental and social adaptation problems during early
childhood, their related factors, consequences and protective aspects.
During the symposium, we will identify promising intervention strategies
and public policies likely to support successful school entry for all children.
Participants will also be given the opportunity to identify information needs
and research required in order to better understand the precursors of
optimal child development, social adaptation and educational success.

This symposium will be of particular interest to managers, professionals,
stakeholders, students and researchers concerned with these questions, as
well as to people working in statistical agencies and research organizations
involved in designing and carrying out longitudinal studies beginning in
early childhood.

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