

Susan Prentice on universal childcare: What’s the holdup?

Online event ,
Event date: 
8 Apr 2021 - 6:00pm


April 8: Susan Prentice on Universal Childcare: What’s the holdup?

Just one in four Canadian children has access to regulated childcare, despite at least seven decades of advocacy for childcare services. Successive federal governments have promised – and then failed – to establish a national system. What explains why childcare services are so under-developed? What is required to build the system that Canadian women, children, and families need so badly? In short: what’s the hold-up on childcare?

Susan Prentice is Duff Roblin professor of government and professor of sociology at the University of Manitoba. Her research and public sociology focus on social and family policy, with a specialty in childcare. Prentice is a CCPA Manitoba Research Associate

Contact name: 
Canada Centre for Policy Alternatives - Manitoba