

Changes to income support and replacement programs in Canada are often made by stealth. The complexity of the programs shields governments from criticism.

Publication Date: 
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Battle, Ken
Online Document Type: 
Research, policy & practice

Federal government's Child Care Innovation Fund launched

Event date: 
11 Jul 2018 - 11:00am to 27 Jul 2018 - 1:00pm

Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jean-Yves Duclos has issued a call for project proposals to find new and innovative ways to improve early learning and child care service delivery.

The Government of Canada’s 2016/2017 budget allocated $100 million towards innovation, and $10 million of that has been allotted to this competition.

The federal government says it wants to improve early learning and child care services for all Canadian families and their children by:

  • developing innovative approaches to early learning and child care that improve children’s and families’ life outcomes
  • sharing with key players best practices to enable their replication
  • getting a better understanding of the changing nature of the early learning and child care sector

There is only a three-week window, closing on July 27, 2019 at 2:00 pm, Pacific Time, for organizations to submit their proposed “concept.” Successful applicants will be invited in fall 2018 to develop a full project proposal.

Not-for-profit organizations, provincial/territorial entities and Indigenous organizations whose mandate focuses on early learning and child care, or that have partners whose mandate focuses on early learning and child care are encouraged to apply.

More information and an application is available on the Employment and Social Development Canada website.

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