Truth and Reconciliation Commission urges Canada to confront 'cultural genocide' of residential schools
Paternity leave: Why so few Canadian dads take time off
Rethink Child Care calculator
Honouring the truth, reconciling for the future
Flawed finance memo a perfect fit for tories’ family narrative
Lose the guilt, working moms. The kids are all right
Election looks to be about child care, taxes
#VoteChildCare2015 Twitter Storm
This Thursday May 14th at 9AM PST / 12PM EST / 1PM AST is the National #VoteChildCare2015
Twitter Storm: '#VoteChildCare2015 because...'
You are a vital part of making it a success!
We want to have as many people as possible, from coast to coast to coast jumping on Twitter to support the need for quality child care all families can afford and count, and inspire others to take notice!
1. Add the Twitter Storm to your calendar, Thursday May 14th, 9AM PST / 12PM EST / 1PM AST
2. Download the photo-booth sign fill it in using marker and share it on Twitter and Facebook as part of the Twitter Storm
3. Tweet photos of your Chalk it Up messages (same day)
4. Invite all your friends and family to be a part of the Twitter Storm! Here is the Facebook event.
5. We're trying to reach out to people who have lots of twitter followers / supporters and would be open to the Vote Child Care message..
example: .@RickMercer #VoteChildCare2015 because the need for national child care is worth a rant
Let's do our best to get #VoteChildCare2015 / #Votezgarderies2015 trending in Canada!
Our Twitter handle is @VoteChildCare.