Which way forward for progressives?
Quebec ranked highest for women’s economic and personal security
Quebec’s child care program: How social innovation can create wealth
Income splitting vs. child care
The relationship between income and children’s outcomes: A synthesis of Canadian evidence
Profiting from the precarious: How recruitment practices exploit migrant workers
Feminism’s message is about choice
ChildCare2020: From vision to action
Update: Agenda now available!
Conference Priorities
Develop an inclusive vision of early childhood education and care that reflects the needs of today's families with young children. The majority of these families do not have access to affordable, quality childcare.
Generate new ideas and strategies to put childcare back on the political agenda and kickstart progress on support for children and parents in Canada. Childcare is a key component of social and economic equality. It's important to counter the austerity measures and poor government policy choices that have put childcare on the back burner.
Engage a new generation of advocates who will deliver a strong message that it's time for governments to give families access to quality early learning and child care programs. Child care is a right.
Register now to secure your spot. Space is limited. Registration is now open online at: You can book accommodation at the same time at an excellent discounted conference rate.