Executive summary: Starting strong - early education and care. Report on an OECD Thematic Review
Executive summary, Organization for Ecomomic Co-operation and Development
Executive summary, Organization for Ecomomic Co-operation and Development
This BRIEFing NOTE is the Executive summary of Targeting early childhood care and education: Myths and realities by Gillian Doherty (2001). This study reviews research literature about the effectiveness of targeting early childhood programs to selected populations as well as literature on the relative effectiveness of different kinds of programs that are intended to enhance or support child development.
Martha Friendly and Laurel Rothman (for Campaign 2000) calculate the actual cost of providing early childhood services that is in keeping with the objectives of the Early Childhood Development Agreement.
This BRIEFing NOTE was originally prepared for the Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs' Play and Parenting Connections, Fall 2000 issue.
This BRIEFing NOTES are a 4 page summary of More than the sum of the parts: An early childhood development system for
Canada (Occasional paper 12).
Archive of factsheets and summaries created by the Childcare Resource and Research Unit 1997-1999.