universal child care
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Early education in Sweden – No comparison
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Living with universal childcare has shown me Australia’s system is neither a luxury nor a right – it’s a last resort
Roadmap to a Quality Early Learning and Child Care System in Manitoba
Canada – Alberta Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement - 2021 to 2026
The national child care plan: Childhood, disability and inclusion
A conversation about the how the National Child Care plan will impact the lives and inclusion of children, families, and community.
About this event
The Early Childhood Resource Teachers Network of Ontario (ECRTNO) partnered with the Inclusive Early Childhood Service System Project to create a discussion supporting the inclusion of all children and families within the provincial implementation of the National Child Care plan.
The Ontario agreement to the National Child Care plan does not include an inclusion strategy supporting inclusive practices to ensure all children and families have access to quality child care. The panel will bring together researchers, resource consultants, early childhood educators, activists, parents of children with disabilities, and community members to share knowledge and perspectives on the challenges and successes of childhood disabilities and inclusion within the child care sector in Ontario.
Discussions will explore the ways in which the National Child Care plan with or without an inclusive strategy will impact the lives of children, families, and community. The goal is to inform, share, and create action to support all children, families, educators, and the early years sector within the provincial plan.