To protect and to prepare: Black mothers’ school-selection decision-making Publication Date: Monday, August 1, 2022Author: Herelle, T. I.Online Document Type: Research, policy & practiceSource: Race Ethnicity and Education
A fact-based response to Cardus’ odd assertions Publication Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025Author: Cleveland, G.Online Document Type: Research, policy & practiceSource:
Literature review of the participation of disadvantaged children and families in ECEC services in Europe Publication Date: Monday, October 29, 2012Author: Lazzari, A., & Vandenbroeck, M.Online Document Type: Research, policy & practiceSource: European Commission
A whole life: The impact of $10-a-day child care on the health and socioeconomic well-being of low-income lone mothers in BC Publication Date: Monday, December 18, 2023Author: Caragata, L., Ellis, V., & Alemayehu, Z. S.Online Document Type: Research, policy & practiceSource: Centre for Family Equity, and School of Social Work, University of British Columbia
Unionizing home-based providers to help address the child care crisis Publication Date: Saturday, April 1, 2023Author: Collins, C. & Gomez, A. L.Online Document Type: Research, policy & practiceSource: The Center for Law and Social Policy
“Parental choice” is a dog-whistle—let’s recognize it as such Publication Date: Friday, June 23, 2023Author: Shaker, ErikaOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: The Monitor