children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Lefebvre, Pierre, and Merrigan, Philip, Université du Québec À Montréal,  1 Oct 2008 Quebec
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,  23 Jan 2009 Canada
Sauve, Roger, People Patterns Consulting, The Vanier Institute of the Family,  15 Jan 2009 Canada
Canadian Union of Public Employees,  22 Oct 2008 Quebec, Ontario
Various, Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development,  1 Dec 2008
Vincent, Carol, Ball, Stephen, Paull, Gillian, & Whyte, Raymond, ICMEC, University of East London,  15 Dec 2008 Europe
Tremblay, R., Gervais, J., & Petitclerc, A., Centre of Excellence for Children's Well-Being,  1 Nov 2008
Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC, Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC (CCCABC),  1 Oct 2008 Europe
Kirmani, Rasmia & Leung, Vanessa, Coalition for Asian American Children & Families,  1 May 2008 Asia, Europe
Friendly, Martha, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  7 Jan 2009 Canada
Cleveland, Gordon, Fortin, Sarah and Friendly, Martha, Institute for Research and Public Policy,  9 Dec 2008
Bennett, John, Universitetet i Stavanger,  3 Sep 2008 Europe
Various, Bernard van Leer Foundation,  1 Dec 2008
Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  17 Dec 2008 Canada
Goelman, Hillel; Anderson, Lynell; Kershaw, Paul & Mort, Janet, Human Early Learning Partnership,  1 Nov 2008 Canada, British Columbia
Adams, Leah D., United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO),  1 Apr 2008;,  10 Dec 2008 International
Bennett, John, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre,  1 Oct 2008 Canada
Various, Children in Scotland,  1 Nov 2008 Australia and New Zealand, Europe
Children's Aid Society of Toronto, Peel Children's Aid Society ,  2 Dec 2008 Ontario
Government of Ontario, Government of Ontario,  4 Dec 2008 Ontario
National Council of Welfare,  10 Dec 2008 Canada