Newfoundland: COVID-19 child care in the news
Child advocate wants N.L.’s school plan tweaked, as kindergarten parent fights for first day changes
CBC News, 20 August 2020
Kids or career? Lack of child care means tough choice for Labrador families
CBC News, 14 July 2020
Daycares can return to full capacity at Alert Level 2, but operators say it's almost impossible
CBC News, 18 June 2020
Your children or your job: Pandemic forcing some parents to make tough decisions
CBC News, 7 June 2020
Child care subsidy won’t be extended despite looming closures
VOCM, 3 June 2020
Working from home while trying to parent? Feel like you’re failing at both? You’re not alone
CBC News, 2 June 2020
Regulated child-care operators free until May 30, with list of rules for expansion
CBC News, 6 May 2020
Panel urges a feminist approach to COVID-19 recovery plan in Newfoundland and Labrador
The Telegram, 6 May 2020
Child care operators in Newfoundland and Labrador can reopen on May 11
The Telegram, 2 May 2020
Child care details coming soon, says minister of early childhood development
CBC News, 1 May 2020
Substitute teachers, in-home care to be provided for kids of essential workers
CBC News, 1 April 2020
COVID-19: Free child care for essential workers: here's how you can apply
CBC News, 26 March 2020
COVID-19: Minister Warr provides update of child care services
Government of Newfoundland, 18 March 2020
COVID-19: What parents paying for child care in N.L. need to know
CBC News, 24 March 2020
COVID-19: NL: Minister Warr announces financial supports for child care sector
Government of Newfoundland, 22 March 2020
COVID-19: NL: Daycare compensation package coming for parents still paying child care fees
VOCM Local News, 22 March 2020
COVID-19: 'Now is the time': N.L. to close all schools, regulated child-care centres to curb spread of COVID-19
CBC News, 16 March 2020