Reality check - $10 a day child care plan or tax credit?
Child Care Now, 15 September 2021
Child Care Now has released a reality check table comparing the $10 a day child care plan and the proposed tax credit scheme. The tables (in EN and FR) provide a comprehensive overview of the plans and answer questions related to accessibility, Indigenous child care, affordability, quality and the wages and wages and working conditions of the child care workforce. The tables include a longer, more detailed version and a shorter, more condensed version.
Pledge your support for affordable quality child care for all
Child Care Now, September 2021
This new online petition organized by Child Care Now for affordable and quality child care is live. The 2021 federal election results could either accelerate progress in building a universal Canada-wide system of early learning and child care or bring it to a screeching halt. Pledge your support today, and show that you want to see a universal Canada-wide system of early learning and child care.
Child care for all - Advocating for child care in an election: 2021 election toolkit
Child Care Now, 25 August 2021
In this 2021 election toolkit, Child Care Now provides readers with information on how to advocate for child care in the 2021 election. The toolkit includes resouces on: what advocates want from the political parties and candidates, some quick background facts, strategies on how and where to campaign for child care, information on contacting and asking your local candidate to sign the candidate pledge, what to say whe campaigning for child care and key sector wide messages for building a Canada-wide early leanring and child care system.
Election 2021 resources: The most important election for child care
Canadian Child Care Federation, 25 August 2021
The Canadian Child Care Federation provides a resource page to help ECEs and families make an informed vote as it relates to the future of child care in Canada. The page is being updated regularly with information regarding party platforms and their impacts on the child care sector, negotiation progress on the new Canada-wide child care program, and other relevant resources. The first resource guide features three urgent questions to ask nominated candidates.
Campaign catch-up: Child care
First Policy Response, 24 August 2021
First Policy Response summarizes the child care policy positions held by all political parties, and provides reactions from academics and experts on these proposals. They note that one week in, the major division is between the Conservatives and the rest of the parties, with those opposed to the Conservative plan arguing it does not do enough to address the structural issues that currently plague the early learning and child care sector.
VOTE For every child 2021: Social media toolkit and campaign
UNICEF Canada, August 2021
UNICEF Canada has launched their election 2021 social media toolkit. The aim of this toolkit is to utilize social media platforms to amplify the voices of children and youth and the issues they face in communities across Canada. When composing social media message, consider combining #VoteForEveryChild with other popular or trending hashtags to multiply impact. Some of the other hashtags that will be relevant throughout the election include #elxn44, #canadavotes, and #cdnpoli.
44th General election leaders' debates
Leaders’ Debates Commission, August 2021
The Leaders’ Debates Commision is an independent and impartial public body mandated to organize two leaders' debates for the upcoming federal general election, one in each official language, while paying special attention to Canada's Indigenous languages. Their role is to set participation criteria, determine which political leaders are invited to participate in the leaders' debates, and work with the debates producer to develop a format that reflects the public interest, while respecting journalistic independence. The Commission's objective is to make debates a more predictable, reliable and stable element of federal election campaigns.
Mobilization toolkit
Up for Debate, August 2021
With the federal election just weeks away, Up for Debate is proud to share their 2021 mobilization toolkit. This toolkit includes everything needed to engage in critical discussions on women’s rights and gender justice in your community and online. The toolkit includes social media strategies, questions to ask local candidates and ideas to host your own debate and engage in critical dialogue.