Government documents
Investments: The GN is investing across government priorities. Highlights include:
o $1.9 million (M) in the Pathway for Adult Secondary School (PASS), a program to help Nunavut's adults earn their high school diplomas.
o $7.0 M to the Department of Culture and Heritage, to promote the equal status of Inuktitut, English and French and to help GN departments and agencies meet their language obligations.
o $4.2 M to hamlets through a new Municipal Funding Formula, which will help hamlets improve their services to Nunavummiut.
o $1.4 M to support the GN's participation in assessments of major mining projects, so we continue to ensure a high standard of environmental stewardship in sustainable development.
News articles
Aboriginal Language Gets Official Status in Nunavut, Canada, O Murray J. Brown, 9 Apr 13