Child care isn't cheap Publication Date: Thursday, August 11, 2016Author: Mead, SaraOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: U.S. News
Trump said he gave his staff child care, but the programs were actually for his hotel guests Publication Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016Author: Crockett, EmilyOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: Vox
Donald Trump’s awful child care plan: The GOP nominee’s “favorite” think tank weighs in Publication Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016Author: Maloy, SimonOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: Salon
How rising child care costs affect the workers taking care of your kids Publication Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016Author: Tam, DonnaOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: Marketplace
Long ignored, child care and paid leave take center stage in 2016 Publication Date: Friday, August 12, 2016Author: Cadei, Emily Online Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: Newsweek
Fewer moms participate in Canadian workforce than mothers in many other rich nations Publication Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2016Author: Blatchford, AndyOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: The Toronto Star
Fewer Canadian mothers work than those in many rich countries Publication Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2016Author: Beeston, LauraOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: The Toronto Star
From crisis to success: Oakville groups help break the cycle of poverty Publication Date: Sunday, August 7, 2016Author: Le, JuliaOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: Oakville Beaver
Mieux vaut être mère au Québec Publication Date: Saturday, August 6, 2016Author: Mathieu, Sophie; McKay, Lindsey & Doucet, AndreaOnline Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: Le Devoir
Whitecap partners to open childcare facility Publication Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2016Online Document Type: Child care in the newsSource: Eagle Feather News