Ottawa lacks plan to fight child poverty, coalition says
Monsebraaten, Laurie
Toronto Star, 23 Nov 11
Struggles of the next generation
Kershaw, Paul
Vancouver Sun, 26 Sep 2011
Should new research on under-fives reshape our approach to development?
Alexander, Gordon
Guardian, 23 Sep 2011
Income inequality is a problem for everyone
Yalnizyan, Armine
National Post, 21 Sep 2011
The debate: Confronting poverty
The Agenda
TV Ontario, 13 Sep 2011
Do we care that Canada is an unequal society?
Simpson, Jeffrey
Globe and Mail, 20 Jul 2011
Latest OECD figures confirm Canada as a public health laggard
Raphael, Dennis
Hamilton Spectator, 18 Jul 2011
Youth Nation question of the day: Do you support the creation of a national child care system in Canada?
Various authors
Toronto Star (blog), 20 Apr 2011
Youth Nation question of the day: What would you do to combat child poverty?
Various authors
Toronto Star (blog), 08 Apr 2011
Poverty, child care should top political agenda
Smith, Christopher and Bisanz, Jeff
Edmonton Journal, 30 Mar 2011
Gap between rich and rest puts society at risk
Kotarski, Kris
Times Colonist, 12 Jan 2011
Rich countries let poorest children fall behind
Monsebraaten, Laurie
Toronto Star, 2 Dec 2010
Gap between rich and rest puts society at risk
Kotarski, Kris
Times Colonist, 12 Jan 2011
Rich countries let poorest children fall behind
Monsebraaten, Laurie
Toronto Star, 2 Dec 2010
Aboriginal children face terrible poverty in Canada: report
CBC News Online, 24 Nov 2006
Editorial: Let's stand up to fight poverty
Toronto Star, Oct 14, 2006
A widening gap in our midst
Barata, Pedro & Ladd, Deena
Toronto Star, 28 September 2006
Public policy fuelling poverty
Raphael, Dennis
Toronto Star, 6 September 2006
Daycare for poor should be priority
Toronto Star, 10 July 2006
Daycare helps poor infants
Montreal Gazette, 14 February 2006
National child care: Important part of fight against child poverty
SooToday.com, 13 Oct 2005
Don't forget plight of poor children
Rothman, L. & Grinspun, D.
Toronto Star 27 July 2004
Affordable day care can ease child poverty
Mulroney, C.
Toronto Star, 13 January 2003