The dollars and sense of solving poverty
National Council on Welfare, 2011
How Canada performs: Income inequality
Conference Board of Canada, 2011
Invest more in children: Submission to the Federal Pre-Budget 2012 Consultation
First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition, 2011
Hennessy's Index: A number is never just a number -- Inequality
by Hennessy, Trish
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2011
Federal poverty reduction plan: Working in partnership towards reducing poverty in Canada
House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA), 2010
Welfare incomes 2009
National Council on Welfare, 2010
HungerCount 2010: A comprehensive report on food bank use in Canada and recommendations for change
Food Banks Canada, 2010
Taking action against poverty: Supporting education and building Canada through the elimination of child poverty
Canadian Teachers' Federation, 2010
In from the margins: A call to action on poverty, housing and homelessness
Senate of Canada.The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, 2009
Women's poverty in the recession: Fact sheets
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009
Child care, essential to poverty reduction: Presentation to HUMA Standing Committee in their study of the federal role in poverty reduction
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, 2009
Tackling women's and children's poverty- Early learning and care services are part of the solution. Presentation to HUMA Standing Committee in their study of the federal role in poverty reduction
by Prentice, Susan
Childcare Coalition of Manitoba, 2009
Report Card on child poverty
Conference Board of Canada, 2009
Poverty policy
by Torjman, Sherri
Caledon Institute of Social Policy, 2008
Greater trouble in Greater Toronto: Child poverty in the GTA
Children's Aid Society of Toronto, 2008
Politics, political platforms and child poverty in Canada. Policy Options, 27 (6)
by Raphael, Dennis
Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2006
Poverty Profile, 2002 and 2003
National Council of Welfare, 2006