The following resources are pertinent to the issue of auspice (used
here to mean for-profit or not-for-profit status) in early learning and
child care in Canada. Materials are organized by their main topic, with
further division into Canadian and international documents. Finally,
materials pertaining to two case studies are provided (Australia and the
United States). These sections feature research and analysis on the
issue of auspice in those countries as well as a selection of related
news articles.
Each section features both documents available in full-text
online and/or in print from the Childcare Resource and Research Unit's
resource collection. The Childcare Information Reference Collection's
(CIRC) database is searchable online at http://www.circonline.ca/.
In cases in which documents are available in print only, CIRC ID
numbers and links to the CIRC entries have been provided. Print
documents can be obtained by contacting the CRRU.
This file will be periodically updated and additional materials will be added as they become available.