Canadian documents
For-profit child care: Past, present and future
S. Prentice
SOURCE: Childcare Resource and Research Unit, University of Toronto. 2005.
Full report in pdf
The business of child care: The issue of auspice
S. Prentice
SOURCE: Chapter in L. Prochner and N. Howe (Eds.) Early childhood care and education in Canada: 273-289. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 2000.
In print: CIRC ID# 14503
Factors related to quality in child care: A review of the literature
See pp. 60-64 for discussion of auspice
G. Doherty
SOURCE: Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services. 1991.
In print: CIRC ID# 3759
Daycare for profit: Where does the money go?
Brief presented to The Special Committee on Childcare, Toronto, Ontario, May 8, 1986
M. Friendly
SOURCE: Toronto: Childcare Resource and Research Unit, University of Toronto. 1986.
In print: CIRC ID# 3401
International documents
Gambling on the market: The role of for-profit provision in early childhood education and care
Penn, Helen
Source: Journal of Early Childhood Research. 2011
ordering info
Examining profit and nonprofit child care: An odyssey of quality and auspices
S. Kagan
SOURCE: Journal of Social Issues, 47 (2): 87-104. 1991.
In print: CIRC ID# 4192