Canadian documents
Child care workers' wages: New evidence on returns to education, experience, job tenure and auspice
G. Cleveland & D. Hyatt
SOURCE: Journal of Population Economics, 15: 575-597. 2002.
In print: CIRC ID# 15845
You Bet I Care! Report 1: A Canada-wide study on wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres
G. Doherty, D. Lero, H. Goelman, A. LaGrange & J. Tougas
SOURCE: Guelph: University of Guelph. 2000.
Report in pdf
See also:
A decade of decline: Regulated child care in Manitoba, 1989-1999 [See Compliance with regulation section]
Who cares? Child care teachers and the quality of care in America: Final report of the National Child Care Staffing Study [See Observed quality section]
Inside the pre-K classroom: A study of staffing and stability in state-funded prekindergarten programs [See Stability section]